Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Books Missing

Everett Wilkie just posted on ExLibris a list of books which have gone missing on their trip from Germany to the University of Minnesota library. The following is from the email bulletin:

"...These books are considered World Heritage items because they were the personal property of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld and were the books he was able to collect while he was in exile in Nice, France after the burning of the Hirschfeld Library by the Nazis on May 10, 1933. Of the 19 books in the package seven (7of the 19) were more modern books that were gifts to us from the Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e. V. in Berlin.

The titles of the nineteen missing books are as follows:
1. Magnus Hirschfeld: Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes, 1912
2. Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen 6.1904
3. Magnus Hirschfeld: Die Weltreise eines Sexualforschers, 1933 (mit Schutzumschlag)
4. Magnus Hirschfeld, Andreas Gaspar (Hg.): Sittengeschichte der jüngsten Zeit -Sittengschichte des Weltkrieges Band, 1930
5. ditto, Band 2, 1930
6. Magnus Hirschfeld, Andreas Gaspar (Hg.): Sittengeschichte der jüngsten Zeit -Sittengeschichte der Nachkriegszeit, Bd. 1, 1931
7. Magnus Hirschfeld, Berndt Götz: Sexualgeschichte der Menschheit, 1929
8. dies.: Das erotische Weltbild, 1929Magnus Hirschfeld: Sexualpathologie
9. Band 2, 1918
10. Band 3, 1920Magnus Hirschfeld: Geschlechtskunde
11. Band 4: Bilderteil, 1930
12. Band 5: Register, 1930 Diese Bücher enthielten ein lose beigelegtes Exlibris (siehe Anlage) auf gelblichem Kartonbzw. waren als "additional gift" (Nr. 1) gekennzeichnet.Weitere sieben Bände aus dem Dublettenbestand der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaftwurden nicht einzeln aufgelistet; alle mit einem beigelegten Vermerk: "additional gift"
(13)Magnus Hirschfeld: Von Einst bis Jetzt, ed. by Manfred Herzer and James D. Steakley. 1986
(14 & 15)[Selection from] Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen, vols 1 and 2. ed. by Johann Wolfgang Schmidt. Frankfurt: Qumran 1984
16, 17, 18, & 19 - titles missing at this time.

I will forward the last four titles as soon as I get them. If you have any leads on these missing books please contact Jean-Nickolaus Tretter at or Tim Johnson at Should you have received any or all of our missing German books I can assure you that we will make arrangements for their return at absolutely no cost to you and with a minimal effort or work on your part. If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact us at any time. Please also feel free to circulate this message as you see fit. Thank you for your attention to this matter."

Each book was wrapped in white tissue paper and contained a bookmark inside the front cover reading:
"Dieses Buch stammt
aus dem Nachlass
Li Shiu Tong
(1907 - 1993)

Dem Letzten Freund
und Erben

Die Bücher aus dem
Nachlass wurden
von der Magnus-
Gesellschaft e. V. im
Oktober 2006 mit