The first (but I hope not the last!) "Do Nothing But Read Day" passed yesterday. The fact that Boston got socked with a snowstorm certainly helped with the resolution to stay inside and curl up with books all day!
Since we'll be traveling later this week my girlfriend and I exchanged our Christmas presents yesterday morning, which changed my reading plans a bit for the day since I then had some new titles that wanted immediate attention.
I spent much of the day with Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle, using it as an occasional break from A.S. Byatt's The Children's Book (I'm liking that one, but it seems to have a strangely soporific effect on me unless). In the evening after I finished the Vonnegut I turned to Umberto Eco's The Infinity of Lists, which is really a striking book.
All in all, a great suggestion, and I hope the momentum gathered this year will make 2010's DNBRD even more widely-known, and observed!