Saturday, June 26, 2010

This Week's Acquisitions

My box of books acquired while in Charlottesville (from Heartwood Books) arrived this week. It contained:

- Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Volumes 22, 32, 51, 53, 54.

- Bermuda Today and Yesterday, 1503-1973 by Terry Tucker (Robert Hale Ltd., 1975).

- The Rise of Robert Dodsley: Creating the New Age of Print by Harry M. Solomon (Southern Illinois University Press, 1996).

- The Trial of Elizabeth Cree by Peter Ackroyd (Nan A. Talese, 1995).

- Reading in Tudor England by Eugene R. Kintgen (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1996).

- The Earliest Irish and English Bookarts: Visual and Poetic Forms Before A.D. 1000 by Robert David Stevick (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994).

- The Illuminated Manuscript by Janet Backhouse (Phaidon, 1993).

- The John Dunlap Broadside: The First Printing of the Declaration of Independence by Frederick Richmond Goff (Library of Congress, 1976).

A couple other things also arrived: