Some exciting personal news before I head off for holiday travels (wish us clear roads, please!): as of 3 January I'll be starting work at LibraryThing, working on a whole range of great projects, including the Early Reviewers program, State of the Thing, LibraryThing for Publishers, LibraryThing for Authors, the LT Facebook and Twitter feeds, and everything else involving member projects and outreach, as Tim notes in the announcement. I'll also continue to manage the Legacy Libraries and Libraries of Early America projects, and will be working to coordinate with the rare book/special collections community on new features and other ways we can work together (so if anybody has any thoughts, please don't hesitate to let me know!)
I'm very much looking forward to the new opportunities and challenges, and am excited to get started there in 2011. If you'll be at ALA Midwinter, make sure to stop by the LT booth and say hi!