Friday, January 30, 2009

Recent Print Articles

Some articles from print publications that I've enjoyed of late:

- Peter McCullough, "Print, Publication, and Religious Politics in Caroline England." The Historical Journal 51:2 (June 2008), pp. 285-313. [Abstract] McCullough examines the biography of printer-publisher Richard Badger (1585-1641) to show confluences between the publisher's political-religious views and his trade. He posits a key distinction between books printed and books published by a given stationer, and urges book historians to look beyond imprints when studying publishers' careers. McCullough concludes "The interdisciplinary combination of bibliographical, biographical, and historical research can, at least in some cases, reveal that the politics of the books of a printer-publisher might not just collapse into his own, but could be an organic manifestation of them" (p. 313).

- Rachel Finnegan, "The Library of William Ponsonby, 2nd Earl of Bessborough, 1704-93." Hermathena 181 (Winter 2006), pp. 149-185. The Earl's extensive library is analyzed using a manuscript library catalog and an 1848 auction catalog.

- André Pelchat, "Maria Monk's Awful Disclosures." The Beaver (December 2008/January 2009, pp. 28-32. A feature article on The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, a sensational anti-Catholic book published in 1836 (which was the United States' top-selling title until Uncle Tom's Cabin).

- Timothy J. Shannon, "The World That Made William Johnson." New York History 89:2 (Spring 2008), pp. 111-125. A look at the cultural context of Sir William Johnson's life and times.