- Write my review of the two-volume Oxford Companion to the Book for the April (print!) issue of Fine Books & Collections.
- Make some serious progress in my current capacity as one of three non-fiction judges for the Massachusetts Center for the Book's 2010 non-fiction prize (the tenth year of the award). We received 58 books for this contest, and are charged with creating a shortlist (see last year's here) and then a winner, based on these guidelines. I'm pretty excited about this project - among the books are many I probably wouldn't have picked up otherwise, so it's nice to be able to read in areas outside my usual zone of focus.
- Catch up on housekeeping for the LibraryThing Legacy Libraries project, including creating a breakdown of the subjects by home country, among other things.
- Plug through some more of Dr. John Jeffries' library.
- &c. &c.