Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year-End Reading Report 2009

December 31 already? How's that possible? Guess it's time to compile the reading statistics for another year.

I read 102 books in 2009 (these 100, plus two that I read but didn't keep), for an average of one every 3.6 days. That's down again from last year (sigh) but such is life. Next year, given some of the projects I'm going to be working on (more on which to come!), it should be a totally different story.

It was another excellent year in reading. Here are my top five fiction and non-fiction reads (in no particular order within the lists):

- Stone's Fall by Iain Pears (review).
- The Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt (review).
- Paradise Lost by John Milton (review).
- Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel (review).
- Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde (review).

Honorable mentions to David Liss, The Devil's Company and Michael Cox, The Glass of Time.

- Abigail Adams by Woody Holton ("review").
- The Case for Books by Robert Darnton (review).
- The Book of William by Paul Collins (review).
- Empire of Liberty by Gordon Wood (review).
- A Brave Vessel by Hobson Woodward ("review").

Honorable mentions to Umberto Eco, The Infinity of Lists and Ingrid Rowland, The Scarinth of Scornello.

Happy New Year to all, and may your 2010 be filled with good books and good cheer!