- The March Fine Books Notes is out: it includes pieces on the great papermaker Dard Hunter, the new Dante video game and Chris Lowenstein's part in that, and an excerpt from Katherine Wolff's Culture Club.
- Ammon Shea's Humanities piece on the Dictionary of Old English is fascinating. Jefferson would be delighted to learn of it!
- The Bodleian Library unveiled a £78 million restoration/renovation plan. [h/t Book Patrol]
- Timothy Ferris' The Science of Liberty: review by Curt Suplee in the Washington Post.
- Marilyn Johnson's This Books is Overdue!: review by Pagan Kennedy in the NYTimes. Johnson was also on NPR this week to talk about the book.
- Danielle Trussoni's Angelology: review by Susann Cokal in the NYTimes.
- The Oxford Companion to the Book: review by Norman Lebrecht in the WSJ.
- Adrian Johns' Piracy: review by Jeffrey R. Young in the Chronicle of Higher Ed.