Monday, January 05, 2009

Stolen Books Alert: Brazil

The following just came through Ex-Libris:

Dear colleagues,

According to the contacts we have made about who might help us alert the international police, book sellers and bibliophiles regarding rare books belonging to the Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará, Brazil, that were recently stolen and may be offered for sale by criminals on the antiquarian book and art markets, you were indicated as a key person who could reach out to a
broad spectrum of rare book dealers.

I am sending below a list of the stolen items, which includes 65 volumes of 40 titles from the 17th to the early 20th centuries, concentrating on the natural history of tropical America, with emphasis on South America. The works include three separate works by Spix on Brazilian reptiles, frogs and bats, Meriaen on Suriname insects, Cramer on exotic tropical lepidoptera,
and Piso on Brazilian plants, among other very rare and valuable works, both in-folios and books.

If you could put a call out to your associates with the list, it will be much appreciated. The Goeldi Museum, founded in 1866 in Belem at the mouth of the Amazon, is an institution of the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology, so investigations in Brazil are being carried out by the Federal Police, and Interpol has been alerted, as well.

Even though the authorities have been advised, we also feel that the collaboration of high-profile, reputable organizations such as yours is a key to recovering these important parts of Brazil's national archival heritage.

Thank you in advance for any help you may provide, including indicating the names of other organizations you feel might provide us with assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Nelson Sanjad
Director of Communications
Emilio Goeldi Museum of Para
Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology
Av. Gov. Magalhaes Barata, 376 - Sao Bras
Belem - Para - Brazil
Phone number: (55) 91-3249-6373
E-mail adress:
Internet site:


22 DECEMBER 2008

Des Murs, O. Iconographie ornithologique. Nouveau recueil general de planches d'oiseaux pur server de suite et de complément aux planches eluminées de Buffon...Paris, 1849. 2v. Reg. 877/61(Atlas) (In-folio 66)

Hernandez, Francisco. Rerum medicarum Novae Hispaniae thesaurus, seu plantarum, animalium, mineralium... Roma, Ex Typographcio Iacobi Mascardí, 1628. Reg. 428/59 (In-folio 6)

Maryaen, Maria Sybilla. ...Over de voortteeling ou wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaamsche insecten...Amsterdam, Jean Frederic Bernard, 1730. Reg. 763/61 (In-folio 60)

Mikan, J. C. Delectus florae et faunae brasiliensis... Vindobonae, Typis Antonii Strauss, 1820. Reg. 751/61 (In-folio 50)

Piso, Willem. Indiae utriusque re naturali et medica libri quatuordecim Amstelaedami, Apud Ludovicum et Danielem, 1658. Reg. 877/61 (In-folio 67)

Pohl, Ioanne Emanuele. Planrtarum Brasiliae ícones et descriptions hactenus ineditae iussu et auspiciis Francisci Primi imperatoris et regis augustissimi... Vindobonae, 1827-31. Reg. 185/62 (In-folio 95)

Sagra, Ramon de la. Album de aves cubanas reunidas durante el viagem de D. Ramon de la Sagra dedicado a S. M. Dona Isabel II. Paris, Imp. Litografia de Maulde y Renou, 1842. Reg. 180/61 (In-folio 30)

Spix, Jean de. Simiarum et vespertiolinum brasiliensium species novae histoire naturelle des spèces nouvelles de singes et de chauves-souris observées et recueillies pendant de voyage dans l'interieur du Brasil. dans les annés 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820. Monachii, Typis Francis Seraphici Hübschmanni, 1823. Reg. 759/61 (In-folio 57)

Spix, Johann Baptist von. Species novae ranarum quas in itinere annis 1817-1820 per Brasilian jussu auspiciis Maximilliani Jophi I... operas a spixio anno 1824 editi tabulas revisit, denuo imprimendas coloribus imbuendas curavit dr. Car. Phil de Martius... Monachii, Imprensis Editoris, 1839. Reg. 202/61 (In-folio 33)

Wied-Neuwied, Mximilian. Abbildungen zur naturgeschichte brasilliens. Weiner, 1823. Reg. 104/61 (In-folio 24)

22 DECEMBER 2008

Agassiz, Louis. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America...Boston, 1857. 2v. Reg. 134-135/61

Anstett, J. Ph. Historia natural popular, descripção circunstanciada dos três reinos da natureza...3 ed. Rio de Janeiro, Laemmert, 1873. Falta o registro 2320/75

Barbosa Rodrigues, João. Plantas novas cultivadas no Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro I-VI. Descríptas...1891-98. Reg 340/60

Barbosa, Rodrigues, João. Hortus fluminensis ou breve notícia sobre as plantas cultivadas no Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, para servir de guia aos visitantes...Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Leuzinger, 1894. Reg. 210/58

Brabourne, Lord. The Birds of South America London, 1912-17. Reg. 73-74/58

Coudreau, Henri. Voyage au Yamundá 21 janvier à 27 juin 1899. Paris, A. Lahure, 1899. Falta o registro 282/90

Cramer, Pierre. Pappilons exotiques des trois parties du monde. L´Asie, l´Afrique et l´Amerique rassemblés et décrits...Amsterdam, 1779-1791. Falta o registro 829/61

Darwin, Charles. A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species...London, Ray Society, 1851-1854. 2v.Reg. 125-126/61

Engler, Adolf. Die naturlichen pflanzenfamilien...Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelman, 1887-1909. Falta o registro 216/59

Feuillés, Louis. Histoire des plantes medicinales. Qui sont plus em usage aux Royaymes du Peru & du Chily dans l´Amérique Meridionale...[1725?]. Reg 341/60

Gaertner, Joseph. De fructibus et seminibus platarum...Stutgardiae, Typis Academiae Carolinae, Tupingae, Typis Guilielmi Henrici Schrammii, 1788-91. Falta registro 59/60

Goeldi, Emílio Augusto. Ensaio sobre o Dr. Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira; mormente em relação às suas viagens na Amazônia sua importância como naturalista. Belém, Alfredo Silva, 1895. Reg. 712/57

Goeldi, Oswaldo. 10 gravuras em madeira. Rio de Janeiro, Off. Graf. Pongetti & Cia, 1930. Reg. 1265/60

Goode, George Brown. The fishery industries of the United State...Washington, Government Printing Office, 1884. Reg. 1166/61

Holbrook, John Edwards. North american herpetology or a description of the reptiles inhabiting the United States... Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1836. Reg. 137/61

Huebner, Jacob. Sammlung exotischer schnetterlinge errichtet von Jacob hubner (1806)...Neue engliche facsimile ausgabe...von P. Wytsman mit ammerkungs - Text von W. F. Kirby ...Brussel, V. Verteneuill und L. Dsmet, 1894-1908. Falta o registro 828/61

Kidder, Daniel Parish. Sketches of residence and travels in Brasil, enbrancing historical and geografical notices of the Empire at is several provinces. Philadelphia, Serin & Ball; London, Wiley & Putnam, 1845. 2v. Reg.204-205/57

Koningsberger, J. C. Java zoologisch en biologisch...Buitenzorg Drukkerij Dep., 1911-1915. 9 fasc. Falta o registro 595/61

Luciani, Arturo. O Estado do Amazonas (Brasil)...Genova, A. Motofarno, 1899. Reg. 3339/75

Oberthur, Charles. Études de lipedoptérologie comparée...Rennes, Imp. Oberthur, 1917. Reg. 225/66

Poeppig, Eduard. Reise in Chile, Peru und auf dem amazonenstrone wahrend der jahre. Leipzig F. Fleischer, 1835-6. Falta o registro 739/61

Ralph, Thomas Shearman. Ícones carpologicae. London, 1849. Reg. 35/60

Seitz, Adalbert. Lês macrolépitoptèresdu Globe.Revision systematique dês macrolépidoptères connus a ce jour, publié ane lê concoms dês spécialistes lês plus renommés...Paris, 1913-27. Falta o registro 17/63

Shaw, George. General zoologie, or systematic natural history...With plates from the first authorities and most select specimens, engraved principally by Mr. Hearth. London G. Kearsley, 1802. 2v. Reg. 116-117/61

Spix, Johann Baptist von. Serpentum brasiliensium species novae ou histoire naturelle des espécies nouvelles de serpens, recueillies et observées pendant le voyage dans l´interieur du Brésil dans lês années 1817-1820...écrite d´aprés les notes du voyageur par Jean Wagler...Monachii, Typis Franc. Seraph. Hübschunanni, 1824. Reg.317/59

Stoll, Gaspar. Representation exactement colorée d´après nature des spectres ou phasmes, des nantes, des sauterelles, des grillons... Amsterdan, J. C. Sepp et Fils, 1813. 2v. em 1. Reg 730/61

United States. Pacific Railroad Survey. Reports of explorations and survey to ascerta in the most praticable... Route for a railroad from Mississipi Rivers to the Pacific Ocean. Washington, 1853-1859. 18v. Reg. 70-87/65 (Bound together)

United States. Geographical and geological explorations, and surveys west of the one Hundredth Meridian. Report upon geographical and geological explorations and surveys west...Washington, Printing Office, 1875. Reg. 240/61

Westwood, John Obadiah. Catalogus of Orthopterous Insects...London, Trustes British Museum, 1859. Reg. 772/61

Wytsman, P. Genera insetorum...Bruxelles, V. Vertenevil et Desmet, 1902-15. 33v. Faltam registros 436/61 e 1277/61.